klo 10.30–11.30

Min Zhu (University of Helsinki)
Firm-level Response to Anti-dumping Duties: Evidence from China

I investigate how Chinese firms respond to the market-specific tariff shocks that arise from the US anti-dumping measures against specific products originating from China. Using the trade and firm-level data for China between 2000 and 2006, I analyze how targeted firm productivity, export price and markup are affected by these measures. I also examine whether these measures cause trade restriction and trade diversion. Furthermore, I examine the intensity and duration of both restriction and diversion effects.

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Seminaarit pidetään tiistaisin klo 10.30–11.30 ellei toisin ilmoiteta.
Vierailijat noudetaan Rauhankatu 19 B (kirjasto bibliotek) sisäänkäynniltä.