at 10.30
Iikka Korhonen (BOFIT) and Rajeev K. Goel (Illinois State University and BOFIT):
Determinants of Corruption Perceptions versus Corruption Incidence: Evidence from Russian Regions 
Veronika Belousova, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russia
Rajeev K. Goel, Illinois State University, USA
Iikka Korhonen, Bank of Finland, Finland

September 2011
This paper examines determinants of corruption across Russian regions.  Key contributions include: (i) formal study of economic corruption determinants across Russian regions; (ii) comparisons of determinants of perceived corruption versus those of actual corruption; and (iii) studying influence of market competition and other factors on corruption.  Results show that economic prosperity, population, democracy, market competition, and urbanization are significant determinants of Russian corruption. The use of alternate corruption measures reveals that economic prosperity and population largely have a similar impact on corruption perceptions and corruption incidence. However, there are marked differences in the effects of competition, degree of democracy and urbanization.
Keywords: Corruption perceptions; Corruption incidence; Russia; Government; Competition
JEL classification: K42; O42; P37

BOFIT seminars
The seminars are open to all economists interested in the subject areas covered.
You need to pre-register for the seminar with
Ms Noora Soikko  (firstname.lastname@bof.fi, phone  + 358 10 831 2268).
Seminar will be held at Rauhankatu 19, 3rd floor seminar room (arrive at the Bank's Rauhankatu 19 entrance, from where you will be escorted to the BOFIT seminar room).