
BOFIT Research mailing list informs about research activities at BOFIT. These include calls for BOFIT Visiting Researchers Programme, information about seminars, workshops and conferences organized by BOFIT as well as events organized by other institutions related to BOFIT’s topics of interest.

How to join

You can subscribe to the mailing list by filling in the subscription form and ticking "BOFIT Research mailing list". In response you will receive an email. Once you click on the link listed in the message, your subscription will be confirmed. The link also enables you to check your subscription details and make any adjustments necessary. After confirming your subscription, you may make further adjustments or cancellations using the same link.


Please direct any enquiries about BOFIT Research mailing list to Dr. Zuzana Fungáčová, Senior Advisor, BOFIT, zuzana.fungacova (at)